Tuesday, December 21, 2010

December 2010 Staff Meeting

Program Planning by Committee:  Two committees will be formed: one for children’s programs, one for adult programs.  Please sign up at the desk if you would like to serve on one or both of these committees.

Inclement Weather Procedure Review: Amber went over the procedure we follow during tornado emergencies.   The building will be locked and a sign posted on the door. Adult patrons will be given the choice of going into the shelter or leaving; unaccompanied minors will be required to enter the shelter.  We discussed putting together an emergency supply kit to be kept in the elevator pit.  Amber asked us to make a list of supplies needed for this kit. 

Payment for Lost/Damaged Items: We will no longer send money for lost and damaged items to the owning library on the van.  A report will be run monthly (to be set up by Jim) showing the total amount we collected.  Amber will deposit that amount in a special account.  Payment will be sent yearly to Lakeshores and they will distribute it to the proper libraries. 

Global Item Modification: There is a feature in the Cataloging function of WorkFlows that enables us to quickly change item information for multiple items.  We did not have time for a demonstration at this meeting.  If anyone would like to see how it works, contact Sue, Sandi, or Ginny. 

New Books Blog: Sue asked for volunteers to write about new books on the blog.  Amber suggested that when any of us reads a book we especially enjoy, we should write up a short paragraph about it and forward it to Sue to be added to the blog. 

Meeting Room Calendar: We had some problems with the Google meeting room calendar, so began keeping a written copy in addition to the on-line calendar.  To check the meeting room schedule, check both the Google calendar and the paper copy in the “Meeting Room” binder, which is kept on the shelf with schedules binder and the AM/PM checklist.  The large desk calendar will not be used to record meeting room reservations. 

Sit and Serve Help Area: We discussed how to deal with patrons who are unable to stand while being helped at the desk.  We concluded that it would not be practical to reserve a specific seat for this purpose, but that we should accommodate patrons with special physical needs by providing a seat if they need one. 

Returned Mail Procedure: Overdue notices and bills that are returned by the Post Office should be given to Lindsey.  She will try to contact the patron to update personal information.  If that attempt is unsuccessful, she will bar the patron’s card and add a dated and initialed note stating the reason for the bar. 

Kindle: The Kindle has been returned from Lakeshores with a number of books loaded on it.  We are still allowing a 2-hour in-library only checkout for this device.  Checkout procedure has not changed from the last time we discussed it. 

Registration Forms for Minors: There was an incident recently where a noncustodial grandparent signed the application form for a minor’s library card.  Only a custodial parent or legal guardian may register a child for a library card.  Ask the adult who is signing for the child if they are the child’s legal guardian.  If there is any question about their status, we may require a legal document. 

Text Message Notifications: Per Jim Novy, the “Notify Via” field does not have to be filled in for text message notification.  However, since only hold pickup notices are sent by text, that field should contain a secondary method of contact (PHONE, PAPER, EMAIL).  Everyone received a copy of the memo with instructions on how to complete the SMS field. 

Snow Emergencies: The Library will not automatically close when school is cancelled.  Wait for a call from Amber or monitor closings on TV and radio (WLKG  96.1 FM Lake Geneva; WCLO 1230 Janesville; WTMJ 620 Milwaukee; WFAW 940 Fort Atkinson).  While discussing various types of emergencies that may cause us to close, we decided to sanitize keyboards and mice during the winter. 

January PVH: Amber reminded everyone that the 3 hours of PVH for January 1 need to be scheduled sometime during the month of January. 

Microfilm Reader: Amber demonstrated how to connect to the staff wireless network from the microfilm reader. 

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

November 2010 Staff Meeting

Vacation Schedule:  A 2011 year-at-a-glance calendar will be posted in the staff room. This will be used to list staff vacations.

Coverage of Service Desks: Service desks should not be left unattended. When you’re assigned to a service desk, STAY THERE. Also there is no eating at the desks, and drinks in covered containers only.

Annual performance reviews:  Staff reviews will be scheduled next month. A schedule will be posted and staff should sign up for the time you want.

Kelly vs. Mary: Mary is responsible for story times (Tiny Tots and Preschool) in the library. Kelly will focus on developing a relationship with the schools and on drawing in our teen patrons.

Evening computer classes:  A volunteer, preferable a staff member, is needed to teach computer classes evenings or Saturdays. Classes will be one session per topic: basic computer use, internet and email, e-bay, Facebook, word processing, and spreadsheet.

Beverage Service:  There has been a rumor that the Friends will not continue to support the coffee service. This is not an official decision, but if necessary the Library will pick up the cost and continue to offer beverages.

Public Printing:  A patron complained that some personal information he had printed was taken by someone else. We discussed possible ways to protect the privacy of printed documents and concluded that there is nothing we can do at the present time except let patrons know that the print station is not secure.

Volunteers:  Mary is the coordinator for adult volunteers. Kelly is the coordinator for youth volunteers. Amber is the coordinator for court-ordered community service. We discussed the need for an application form including contact information, days and times available, and a statement of responsibility to be signed by applicants. Amber will order more name badges for volunteers and they will be required to wear them while in the library.

Book labels:  Kate discussed the application of spine labels and genre labels to books.

Proof of address:  Amber, using a problem patron as an example, stressed the importance of verifying patron address. If there is a note on the patron record that address has not been verified, the patron will asked to furnish proof of address at their next library visit. If it is not provided, they will be given a warning. If proof is still not provided, the account will be barred until the address is verified. We need both mailing and residence addresses. After information has been verified, you may take the note off the patron record.

Budget:  Amber talked briefly about the City budget.

Kindle:  The Kindle has been cataloged and is ready for checkout. We went over the rules for its use. An insert will be attached to the case listing patron responsibilities and the Kindle inventory. Kindle use will be restricted to patrons 16 years of age or older.

Friday, October 29, 2010

October 2010 Staff Meeting

Bar Code & Stamping: A demonstration was done by Kate.  There are instructions, with pictures, posted in the TS room.
  1. Stamp books top and bottom; inside on first page, lower right hand corner; inside back, lower left hand corner.  If page is black or dark color, do next page instead.
  2. Put bar code on front cover of book on upper right side, 1/4" from top and 1/4" from side.  On paperbacks put clear cover over bar code.  Do not cover the bar code on hardcover books unless the books have no book jacket.
  3. Write the present date inside the back of book, month and year (for example 6/09).
  4. Tape first inside the front and back covers of paperbacks with 1" 600 tape.  Be sure all the correct labels are in place (spine label, large print, genre sticker), then tape spine with appropriate 845 book tape, usually 1-1/2" or 2" wide.  Use 3" tape only if necessary.
  5. Tape the outside edges of the front and back covers with 845 book tape, 1-1/2" wide.
  6. If the book is new, put a NEW sticker just below and on the right side of the bar code. Use your judgment when putting NEW stickers on nonfiction books. The books on the new nonfiction shelf should be those that people browsing will pick up to read.
Hiring:  Amber has four promising applicants for the position vacated by Oscar and she will begin interviewing next week.

Outreach Program for the Homebound:  Amber answered staff questions about how the homebound program will work.  she is looking for a staff volunteer to coordinate the program.  Book pick up and delivery will be handled by the Friends.

2011 Budget Update:  Amber discussed the potential effects of the Lake Lawn sale on the City budget.  She told staff not to expect a raise in 2011 and said we will most likely not be able to hire an additional half-time Library Assistant.

Patron Registration Form:  Two new check boxes have been added to the Patron Registration Form -- (1) text message receipt of library notices and (2) authorization to keep charge history. The wording of the signed agreement was clarified and the privacy statement was added.  The parent/guardian signature block and  release of information authorization were printed on the back of the form.

Receipt of library notices by text message is not yet available, but will be soon.  Further information will be forthcoming.  The charge history option is available and can be set on the Basic Info tab of the patron record. We need written authorization from the patron before we can turn this feature on.  Sign-up forms for existing patrons are available at both service desks and  will be filed with the patron's registration form.

Insert for AV Boxes:  We looked at a form other libraries are using to collect information from patrons about problems they have with AV materials.  A form for our library will be developed and we will begin including one of these in each DVD and CD (music and audiobook) box.

Program Ideas for Staff In-Service:  The next staff in-service day will be March 18, 2011.  Program suggestions are being compiled by Sue.  If there is any topic you would like additional training on or if you know of a speaker/presenter that would be interesting to the staff, please let her know.

Library Wish List:  Included in the November newsletter is a request for Legos for our January kick-off of the Lego Club.  If there are other items the public could donate to help with programs or any other aspect of our work, let Sue know and she will include the "APL's Most Wanted" list in each newsletter.

Winter-Spring Programs:  The winter-spring 2011 library program schedule that will be published in the Delavan Parks & Rec program booklet was distributed to staff. 

Meeting Room Schedule:  The meeting room schedule will be kept on the Google calendar AND on the large desk calendar.  Cheryl and Jan will be responsible for keeping the Google calendar updated.  Please give them any program info that needs to be entered.

Damaged, Lost or Stolen Personal Property:  Patrons are responsible for their own personal property while they are in the library.  If something is stolen or damaged, the patron should contact the Police.  Staff should complete an incident report if we are made aware of the situation, but the ultimate responsibility belongs to the patron.

Vacation During Holiday Times:  In order to maintain adequate coverage at both service desks, the number of people allowed to take vacation during peak periods, such as Thanksgiving week and Christmas week, will be limited.  Amber would like to institute a rotation system for holiday vacations.  She is taking suggestions on ways we can do this fairly, allowing everyone a chance to have a holiday vacation over a period of time.  Bring your ideas to the next staff meeting.

Item Count for State Standards:  Amber  received a revised item count for our library from the Lakeshores System Administrator.  This revision means we need to add about 3700 more items before the end of the year.

Schedules:  When draft schedules are distributed for review, you should check the hours you are scheduled to work AND check your on-desk times. If corrections are not made before the final schedule is published, YOU are responsible for finding coverage.  Amber will look into posting schedules on Google so we can view them from anywhere. 

Saturday, September 18, 2010

September 2010 Staff Meeting

Pocket Talker/I-Vu:  Amber demonstrated the Pocket Talker, a personal amplifier with microphone for use at the Circ Desks to help hard-of-hearing patrons.  
We also own two i-vu units.  i-vu is a battery-powered digital magnifier for patrons to use in the library for reading small print.  Each will be barcoded and a patron wanting to use one will check it out; however, the unit may not be taken out of the library. 
The library has received a Kindle for which we purchase newspaper subscriptions.  This, again, will be for use only in the library.  
Further instructions on the Kindle and i-vu will be distributed when they are ready for public use.

Text Message Notices:  Aram PL is a test site for text message delivery of hold notifications.  Beginning next week, the Text Message option may be designated as the method of notification. We need to find out from Jim how this is to be entered into the "notify via" field.  Patrons who choose text message notification will have their cell phone number entered in the SMS field on the Address tab.

Juvenile New Fiction:  Kelly has set up an area for new juvenile fiction books.  The first 2 shelves at the beginning of the fiction section will display new juvenile fiction.  When cataloging these books, the home location will be listed as FICJ-NEW.  After 3 months, the new sticker will be removed and the home location changed to FICJ.   This area will not be used for new picture books, easy readers, or nonfiction books.

December Holiday Pay:  Amber answered questions about the Paid Vacation Holidays in December and January.  A vacation request form must be completed for the day you want to take your Paid Vacation Holiday.  It may be listed as "Other" on the form, or write in "PVH."  You may take the whole day off, but will only be paid for 3 hours unless you combine the PVH with vacation or your float day.

Damaged Materials on Van:  A reminder that when materials belonging to other libraries are received on the van in damaged condition, do not receive them.  Check them out to the owning library's problem card and send them to the owner to be repaired.

Technology Update:  Jim Novy will be here Monday to complete the network repairs.

Workflow Analysis:  Steve Ohs, Library Development Coordinator for the LLS, will visit our library Tuesday, September 28 to perform a workflow analysis.  This is a survey done to identify ways to make our work processes more fluent and productive.  He will probably be talking with staff about our work procedures.

Coffee Pot:  The coffee pot, after being turned off overnight, seems to have corrected its heating problem.  Sue will put the phone number and contact info for FilterFresh in the Rolodex upstairs.  The instruction book for the coffee machine is on the shelf with the condiments.

Charge History Rule:  A field for "Charge History Rule" has been added to the patron data base.  This is where patrons can have a list of their previous check-outs saved.  Amber will check her LLS meeting notes for instructions.  (I turned my history on by going to Modify User and selecting ALL CHARGES in the Charge History field.  When you look at my record in Display User and click on the tab that says Charge History, there's a list of things I've returned.  The same list also shows up when I access MY ACCOUNT through the catalog. --Sue)

Note:  I will update the Patron Registration Form to include Text Message and Charge History as options. I'm also going to put the parental release of information form on the back.   --Sue

AMBER'S TREASURE HUNT:  Each staff member must submit to Amber  in wriing by next Friday (9/24):
  1. Instructions for logging on to Rosetta Stone.
  2. How to check the toner on the Ricoh B&W printer.
  3. How to access the Staff Training Blog.
Powerspeak:  There is now a link to the Powerspeak language learning program on our web page.  Amber, Ginny, Oscar and Sandi have attended training on this program.

August 20, 2010 Staff Meeting

Closing Time:  Be aware of the correct time and don't lock the doors early. Give patrons in the library sufficient warning to check out their items before closing. 

Summer Program ideas for next year were touched upon briefly.

Patron Requests:  Patron Requests should be checked in Workflows each morning.  Instructions on how to do this will be placed in the Staff Handbook.

Moving Furniture:  The Patron Behavior Policy prohibits the moving of furniture by patrons.

2011 Budget:  Amber briefly discussed the budget negotiations going on at the City and their possible effects on the library.  We were instructed to refer any complaints about lack of services to the City Council.

Head of Youth Service:  Kelly Jensen has been hired for this position.  Her starting date will be September 7.  Oscar will be leaving by mid-October.

Patron Registration:  We talked about the importance of entering data uniformly in the patron record, particularly in searchable fields.  Jan O. will prepare a sample record showing the correct format for each entry.  A copy will be kept in the Staff Handbook.  Please be sure to initial the registration form for any card you prepare.

DVD Inspection:  We are discontinuing the "dots" procedure.  Instead, a grid-printed label will be placed inside each DVD box which you should initial and date when you inspect a DVD.  Again, take your time when checking items in.  Watch the computer screen.  Inspect items carefully and send to mending when needed.

New Policies from August Board Meeting

Amber reviewed the revised Holiday Pay Policy which provides for a 3-hour Paid Vacation Holiday in lieu of holiday pay when the second day of a 2-day holiday falls on Saturday. 

The Circulation Policy was also reviewed.  The major change here is that a collection agency will be involved when the amount due is over $200.  The duty of monitoring overdues will be assigned to staff on a 2-year rotation.

The Sick Leave policy draft was also reviewed.

Book Processing Procedure:  Books will now be cataloged before going to processing.  After the processing backlog is taken care of, a written procedure will be prepared and shelves in TS will be designated for each step of the procedure.

Friday, September 3, 2010

July 16, 2010 Staff Meeting

Library Cards:   If the applicant is not able to provide proof of current addresss, mail the registration form to the address provided and ask the applicant to bring it in with the envelope.  A note from the landlord is not sufficient proof.

Summer School Buses:  Children are being dropped off in front of the library after summer school.  If their parents are not here to pick them up, they may come into the library to wait.  We will have contact info.

Computers:  A network upgrade will be done July 19-24 and all computers will be down.

Do not place book sale items on the holds shelf to keep them for patrons.

(Notes provided by Janice)

June 18, 2010 Staff Meeting

Housekeeping:  Check phone messages first thing in the morning for staff who may be calling in sick.  If you  have to call in sick, leave a message at the adult desk and also on Amber's voice mail.

Summer Library Program:  Teens register upstairs, not in the Children's Dept.  They can have their choice of shirt styles.

(Notes provided by Janice)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Blackbelt Librarians

BLACKBELT LIBRARIANS training session was held on May 7, 2010 at Racine Public Library. Mary, Janice & Sandi attended this all-day session given by Warren Graham, lecturer and author of 2 books-BLACKBELT LIBRARIANS and ADVANCED BLACKBELT LIBRARIANS. The class was extremely informative and humorous. Mary even got in on some roll-playing with Mr. Graham. He doesn't believe in handouts, so lots of note-taking was happening. At our May's staff meeting, notes will be available for each of you. Mr. Graham mostly spoke of our "REALITY IMPAIRED PATRONS", rules for library use, problem patrons, ABCC's of opponent emotional levels, and library do's and don'ts. Always a favorite was the question and answer time. I have read Mr. Grahams books, but hearing & seeing the author/speaker was 100 times better! We are very glad we had the opportunity to train with Mr. Graham. Janice & I also had a short in-house library tour by Mary Lou Nordstrom-head cataloger at Racine. They are going to be doing some remodeling and shifting of areas very soon. Besides Delavan, I believe only one from Lake Geneva and Elkhorn, as well as the whole Racine staff (library was totally closed for the day) attended. This was definitely a class worth taking if it is offered again. Sandi

Friday, April 16, 2010

April 2010 Staff Meeting

Vacation Requests
Vacation requests must be submitted at least 2 months ahead of the start date. Vacation time requested after the schedules are finalized may still be approved if you can find someone to cover your time.

Door Clutter

Katrina asked that the posters and signs on the front and back doors be removed completely for one week per month. Patrons stop looking at the signs when the doors are cluttered.

Telephone Refresher
To transfer a call, press TRANSFER, press the button for that extension # or dial the extension number, press JOIN. The adult cordless phone cannot transfer calls. The children's cordless phone cannot pick up a call on hold, so calls for the children's desk must be transferred to 117.

Abusive Patrons on the Phone
The anonymous patron with whom we are having problems has also plagued other libraries. It is OK to hang up on a patron who becomes verbally abusive.
Other strategies for dealing with her are: tell her the call is being recorded (we do have the capability of recording the call), or tell her the police are monitoring our calls.

Mail from City Hall
Anyone who picks up library mail from City Hall should pull any checks (other than paychecks) mixed in with other mail and put on Amber's computer. Amber will have the Treasurer put checks in a bright red envelope to make them readily identifiable.

Policy about Helping with Programs
Staff cannot help with library programs unless they are scheduled to work. Like vacation requests, the need for additional staff at programs must be submitted to Amber 2 months ahead of schedule. Katrina or Sue will put a sign-up sheet in the staff notebook and staff are asked to check it regularly to be sure staffing requests are submitted on time.

Summer Schedule
Amber will begin setting up the master schedule for summer staffing next week. There is a form at the Adult Desk for listing your summer work preferences.

"I Got My Library Card Today!"
Katrina is ordering stickers to be given to children (or adults, if they want one) when they get their first library card.

Book of the Month
A review of The Poker Bride by Christopher Corbett was presented by Ginny. This is a nonfiction book about Chinese immigration to the Western US, documenting the experiences of one woman in particular. She said this book should have been called "the first Chinese in the wild west." It is highly recommended for nonfiction and history readers.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

March 2010 Staff Meeting

Staff Picks
Ginny would like each staff member to take a turn selecting books for the "staff picks" display. It was suggested that the same person doing book of the month also do the display.

Program Helpers
Jan, Mary and Gin are able to help with the Live Clue program.
Cheryl and Myrna volunteered to be on the SRP committee with Sue and Katrina.

Katrina . . . Behind Closed Doors
Katrina asked that, if the door to her office is closed, we not disturb her. This includes cutting through to get to the TS or staff room.


The "no smoking" and "parking in marked stalls only" signs have been ordered. Until the no smoking sign is mounted we should tell people there is no smoking on the premises. If they don't comply, they can be banned from library property for 2 weeks and the Police called if trespass during that time period. Teens smoking on library premises will be banned for 2 weeks and a letter sent to parents.

Circulation Policy
We discussed what information should be included in the revised Circulation Policy:
How to register the homeless and WSD students
How to issue institution cards
What ID and proof of address is acceptable
Loan periods
Fines and fees,
Procedure for checking out without your library card
Special programs for fine forgiveness
Release of information and patron privacy issues
Claimed returns

New fax number is 262-728-5067


February 2010 Staff Meeting

Juvenile Books
Oversize books and juvenile graphic novels are shelved at the end of the nonfiction section. Juvenile large print books will be interfiled with other juvenile books.

Program Committees/Helpers
Katrina and Sue would like to have other staff help with programming -- from planning through execution. Katrina will post a sign-up sheet for help with upcoming programs and to help plan the summer library program.

Patron Fines
Remember to tell patrons when they have fines on their accounts and offer them the opportunity to read off their overdue fines. Be sure to review Read Off Your Fines forms before giving credit for them. (Rules are on the back of the form.)

Die Cut Machine
The public can use the die cut machines in Katrina's office, but they must bring their own dies and paper.

SHARE Problem Item Procedure
When an item belonging to another library is discovered to be damaged or missing parts, it should be returned to the owning library for repair before being given to a patron or sent on to another library. To do this, place a hold on the owning library's PROBLEM card. This card can be found by searching the word PROBLEM and limiting the search to the owning library. Make the hold 1st in the queue. Then trap the hold.

SHARE Item Pricing Policy
When a patron has lost an item belonging to another library or damaged it to the point where replacement is required, charge the patron (1) the price in the item record; (2) the price of another library's copy on the same record; or (3) the retail price found on Baker and Taylor or Amazon.com. Funds collected for damaged or lost items will continue to be sent to the owning library.

Smoking Outside the Building
There is no smoking allowed anywhere on city property, including the parking lot. Amber will order a sign stating NO SMOKING and NO LOITERING which will be mounted on the outside of the building.

In-Service Day
March 5 we will have a staff in-service day during which we will learn to use the new phone system, learn to clean computers, have our monthly staff meeting, and practice using Open Office. Lunch will be provided.

Movies - Juvenile or Adult?
Movies rated G or PG will be labeled juvenile (JDVD) and be kept in the Children's Library. All others will be kept upstairs.

DVD Check-in
Some problems with DVDs were discussed, "dot" procedure was reviewed, and we discussed server delays affecting WorkFlows.

Sue Stuff
Chairs were rearranged in the New Books and newspaper area to prevent "sitters" from blocking access to the books. The gold SHARE damage slip contains a block to be used for transmitting payments when we collect for lost or damaged items belonging to other libraries. When sorting mail, give things addressed to Youth Services or Children's Librarian to Katrina. Put bills and invoices in the two-tiered black & white tray on Amber's desk. Send LLS routed magazines on to the next library. Throw away magazine renewals for mags we get through Ebsco.

Payments may not be accepted at the Children's desk.

Book of the Month
Katrina presented The Hour I First Believed by Wally Lamb. Caelum and Maureen Quirk move to Littleton, Colorado, to work at Columbine High School. In April 1999, while Caelum travels to Connecticut to be with his sick aunt, Maureen finds herself in the school library at Columbine, cowering in a cabinet and expecting to be killed. Miraculously she survives, but is unable to recover from the trauma. Caelum grapples with revelations from the past and struggles to fashion a future out of the ashes of tragedy. His personal quest for meaning and faith becomes a mythic journey that is at the same time quintessentially contemporary -- and American.

Circulation policy changes will be discussed at the next staff meeting.


Monday, February 1, 2010

January 2010 Staff Meeting

Homeless Patrons
The procedure for issuing cards to homeless patrons was reviewed. Cards are good from October through May and should be made to expire on 5/31. Although these cards are intended to be used only at Aram and authorize checkout of only one item, they have been used at other libraries as well. Sue will check with Jim to see if we can have a restricted profile set up.

Janice reported that some items in our recycling bin were refused by Nieuwenhuis. They will provide a list of items that can be recycled and how they must be prepared. Everyone should clean cans/bottles and flatten cardboard boxes before putting them in recycling.

Van/Transit Items
There has been a change in the procedure for processing in-transit items for van delivery.

Transit slips will list only the TRANSIT TO library. Blue, white and yellow routing slips will not be used. The computer in the Circ Workroom and the sit-down computer upstairs are programmed to produce these transit slips.

Items for individual libraries will be bundled according to previous instructions -- like sized items together (no pyramids), stacks no taller than can be comfortable held in your hand.

Lakeshores libraries' items will be separated into:
#1 - Burlington, East Troy, Elkhorn, Rochester, Union Grove, Waterford
#2 - Darien, Fontana, Genoa city, Lake Geneva, Lakeshores, Sharon, Walworth, Williams Bay
#3 - Racine

Midwisconsin libraries' items will be grouped together into bins with lids.
Pink routing slips will still be used for items from other library systems and they will go into a separate bin.

Meeting Room Applications
Amber pointed out that the room capacity listed in the Meeting Room Policy is incorrect. This issue will be addressed by the policy committee. Until then, we should be sure applicants know the room holds 24 people with tables and chairs, 35 with just chairs.

Payments may not be taken at the Children's desk. Refer patrons with fines or who need to put money on their print accounts upstairs.

We discussed how much use the TDD gets and whether we need to have one available when our new phone system is installed. Mary will gather info from our deaf patrons.

Removing the color-coded dots from videos has created a backlog at the check out. We decided to leave the dots on until the item is returned. Then, upon discharge, the old dot can be removed or covered with the new.

Book of the Month
Sandi gave a book talk on The Help by Kathryn Stockett. This book is set during the civil rights movement in Mississippi, where black women were trusted to raise white children but not to polish the household silver. "Skeeter" Phelan is just home from college in 1962 and anxious to become a writer. She is advised to write about what disturbs her. The budding social activist begins to collect the stories of black women, enlisting the help of Aibileen, a maid who's raised 17 children, and Aibileen's best friend Minny, who's found herself unemployed more than a few times after mouthing off to her white employers. The book Skeeter puts together based on their stories is scathing and shocking, bringing pride and hope to the black community, while giving Skeeter the courage to break down her personal boundaries and pursue her dreams.
