Friday, October 29, 2010

October 2010 Staff Meeting

Bar Code & Stamping: A demonstration was done by Kate.  There are instructions, with pictures, posted in the TS room.
  1. Stamp books top and bottom; inside on first page, lower right hand corner; inside back, lower left hand corner.  If page is black or dark color, do next page instead.
  2. Put bar code on front cover of book on upper right side, 1/4" from top and 1/4" from side.  On paperbacks put clear cover over bar code.  Do not cover the bar code on hardcover books unless the books have no book jacket.
  3. Write the present date inside the back of book, month and year (for example 6/09).
  4. Tape first inside the front and back covers of paperbacks with 1" 600 tape.  Be sure all the correct labels are in place (spine label, large print, genre sticker), then tape spine with appropriate 845 book tape, usually 1-1/2" or 2" wide.  Use 3" tape only if necessary.
  5. Tape the outside edges of the front and back covers with 845 book tape, 1-1/2" wide.
  6. If the book is new, put a NEW sticker just below and on the right side of the bar code. Use your judgment when putting NEW stickers on nonfiction books. The books on the new nonfiction shelf should be those that people browsing will pick up to read.
Hiring:  Amber has four promising applicants for the position vacated by Oscar and she will begin interviewing next week.

Outreach Program for the Homebound:  Amber answered staff questions about how the homebound program will work.  she is looking for a staff volunteer to coordinate the program.  Book pick up and delivery will be handled by the Friends.

2011 Budget Update:  Amber discussed the potential effects of the Lake Lawn sale on the City budget.  She told staff not to expect a raise in 2011 and said we will most likely not be able to hire an additional half-time Library Assistant.

Patron Registration Form:  Two new check boxes have been added to the Patron Registration Form -- (1) text message receipt of library notices and (2) authorization to keep charge history. The wording of the signed agreement was clarified and the privacy statement was added.  The parent/guardian signature block and  release of information authorization were printed on the back of the form.

Receipt of library notices by text message is not yet available, but will be soon.  Further information will be forthcoming.  The charge history option is available and can be set on the Basic Info tab of the patron record. We need written authorization from the patron before we can turn this feature on.  Sign-up forms for existing patrons are available at both service desks and  will be filed with the patron's registration form.

Insert for AV Boxes:  We looked at a form other libraries are using to collect information from patrons about problems they have with AV materials.  A form for our library will be developed and we will begin including one of these in each DVD and CD (music and audiobook) box.

Program Ideas for Staff In-Service:  The next staff in-service day will be March 18, 2011.  Program suggestions are being compiled by Sue.  If there is any topic you would like additional training on or if you know of a speaker/presenter that would be interesting to the staff, please let her know.

Library Wish List:  Included in the November newsletter is a request for Legos for our January kick-off of the Lego Club.  If there are other items the public could donate to help with programs or any other aspect of our work, let Sue know and she will include the "APL's Most Wanted" list in each newsletter.

Winter-Spring Programs:  The winter-spring 2011 library program schedule that will be published in the Delavan Parks & Rec program booklet was distributed to staff. 

Meeting Room Schedule:  The meeting room schedule will be kept on the Google calendar AND on the large desk calendar.  Cheryl and Jan will be responsible for keeping the Google calendar updated.  Please give them any program info that needs to be entered.

Damaged, Lost or Stolen Personal Property:  Patrons are responsible for their own personal property while they are in the library.  If something is stolen or damaged, the patron should contact the Police.  Staff should complete an incident report if we are made aware of the situation, but the ultimate responsibility belongs to the patron.

Vacation During Holiday Times:  In order to maintain adequate coverage at both service desks, the number of people allowed to take vacation during peak periods, such as Thanksgiving week and Christmas week, will be limited.  Amber would like to institute a rotation system for holiday vacations.  She is taking suggestions on ways we can do this fairly, allowing everyone a chance to have a holiday vacation over a period of time.  Bring your ideas to the next staff meeting.

Item Count for State Standards:  Amber  received a revised item count for our library from the Lakeshores System Administrator.  This revision means we need to add about 3700 more items before the end of the year.

Schedules:  When draft schedules are distributed for review, you should check the hours you are scheduled to work AND check your on-desk times. If corrections are not made before the final schedule is published, YOU are responsible for finding coverage.  Amber will look into posting schedules on Google so we can view them from anywhere. 

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