Saturday, September 18, 2010

August 20, 2010 Staff Meeting

Closing Time:  Be aware of the correct time and don't lock the doors early. Give patrons in the library sufficient warning to check out their items before closing. 

Summer Program ideas for next year were touched upon briefly.

Patron Requests:  Patron Requests should be checked in Workflows each morning.  Instructions on how to do this will be placed in the Staff Handbook.

Moving Furniture:  The Patron Behavior Policy prohibits the moving of furniture by patrons.

2011 Budget:  Amber briefly discussed the budget negotiations going on at the City and their possible effects on the library.  We were instructed to refer any complaints about lack of services to the City Council.

Head of Youth Service:  Kelly Jensen has been hired for this position.  Her starting date will be September 7.  Oscar will be leaving by mid-October.

Patron Registration:  We talked about the importance of entering data uniformly in the patron record, particularly in searchable fields.  Jan O. will prepare a sample record showing the correct format for each entry.  A copy will be kept in the Staff Handbook.  Please be sure to initial the registration form for any card you prepare.

DVD Inspection:  We are discontinuing the "dots" procedure.  Instead, a grid-printed label will be placed inside each DVD box which you should initial and date when you inspect a DVD.  Again, take your time when checking items in.  Watch the computer screen.  Inspect items carefully and send to mending when needed.

New Policies from August Board Meeting

Amber reviewed the revised Holiday Pay Policy which provides for a 3-hour Paid Vacation Holiday in lieu of holiday pay when the second day of a 2-day holiday falls on Saturday. 

The Circulation Policy was also reviewed.  The major change here is that a collection agency will be involved when the amount due is over $200.  The duty of monitoring overdues will be assigned to staff on a 2-year rotation.

The Sick Leave policy draft was also reviewed.

Book Processing Procedure:  Books will now be cataloged before going to processing.  After the processing backlog is taken care of, a written procedure will be prepared and shelves in TS will be designated for each step of the procedure.

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