Tuesday, November 30, 2010

November 2010 Staff Meeting

Vacation Schedule:  A 2011 year-at-a-glance calendar will be posted in the staff room. This will be used to list staff vacations.

Coverage of Service Desks: Service desks should not be left unattended. When you’re assigned to a service desk, STAY THERE. Also there is no eating at the desks, and drinks in covered containers only.

Annual performance reviews:  Staff reviews will be scheduled next month. A schedule will be posted and staff should sign up for the time you want.

Kelly vs. Mary: Mary is responsible for story times (Tiny Tots and Preschool) in the library. Kelly will focus on developing a relationship with the schools and on drawing in our teen patrons.

Evening computer classes:  A volunteer, preferable a staff member, is needed to teach computer classes evenings or Saturdays. Classes will be one session per topic: basic computer use, internet and email, e-bay, Facebook, word processing, and spreadsheet.

Beverage Service:  There has been a rumor that the Friends will not continue to support the coffee service. This is not an official decision, but if necessary the Library will pick up the cost and continue to offer beverages.

Public Printing:  A patron complained that some personal information he had printed was taken by someone else. We discussed possible ways to protect the privacy of printed documents and concluded that there is nothing we can do at the present time except let patrons know that the print station is not secure.

Volunteers:  Mary is the coordinator for adult volunteers. Kelly is the coordinator for youth volunteers. Amber is the coordinator for court-ordered community service. We discussed the need for an application form including contact information, days and times available, and a statement of responsibility to be signed by applicants. Amber will order more name badges for volunteers and they will be required to wear them while in the library.

Book labels:  Kate discussed the application of spine labels and genre labels to books.

Proof of address:  Amber, using a problem patron as an example, stressed the importance of verifying patron address. If there is a note on the patron record that address has not been verified, the patron will asked to furnish proof of address at their next library visit. If it is not provided, they will be given a warning. If proof is still not provided, the account will be barred until the address is verified. We need both mailing and residence addresses. After information has been verified, you may take the note off the patron record.

Budget:  Amber talked briefly about the City budget.

Kindle:  The Kindle has been cataloged and is ready for checkout. We went over the rules for its use. An insert will be attached to the case listing patron responsibilities and the Kindle inventory. Kindle use will be restricted to patrons 16 years of age or older.

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