Monday, June 8, 2009

May 2009 Staff Meeting

1. Summer Library Program

  • Sign up begins June 12. The first day to turn in hours is Monday, June 15.
  • You do not need a library card to participate. The program is open to people of all ages.
  • To register a patron, have them complete a registration card, one per person. Give them a reading bag and explain the reading record. Twelve boxes must be checked to claim a prize.
  • For children, the 1st prize is a t-shirt, 2nd prize is a book. After that, they may enter the drawing of their choice for each reading record turned in.
  • Teens may chose a t-shirt and book, or enter the drawings.
  • Adults may enter the drawing. T-shirts and books are included in the prizes they can win.
Each staff member was given a packet containing samples of the SLP forms, instructions on how the program works, and a schedule of events.

2. Volunteers
Volunteers working for Katrina this summer may work off overdue fines ($5 per hour worked), add money to their print account ($1 per hour worked), or possibly have their personal discs resurfaced. Summer volunteers will be required to wear name tags.

3. Twilight Program
Amber asked for a volunteer to help with the Friday night Twilight program. Myrna offered to help with this. Children will be allowed to attend with if accompanied by a caregiver or if the parent gives verbal permission to the librarian for the child to attend.

4. Patron Behavior Policy Changes
No food is allowed in the library except in designated areas (such as in the meeting room for programs). Beverages are allowed in covered containers, but not near the computers.

5. Deliveries
All deliveries should go to the TS room. Boxes should not be opened at the Circ Desks. Staff are not allowed to remove unprocessed items from the building.

6. Patron Registration
Be sure the form is filled out as completely as possible and always check to see if the patron already has a card. List the drivers license number as ALT ID for adults and also on the address tab in the DL space. Profile type should be GENERAL for adults, JUV-VIDEO for children 14-18, JUVENILE for children under 14. Sue will update the instructions for registering a new patron.

7. Schedule
Amber will save the master schedule on the Samba server. The most recent update will be available on Google Apps.

8. Amber demonstrated use of the microfilm reader/printer.

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