Sunday, June 21, 2009

June 2009 Staff Meeting

Library Policy Changes Approved at the 6-11-09 Library Board Meeting:

  • The age limit for checking out movies was removed. Anyone who has a library card can check out any type of material. (Profile type for all patrons should be "general" per ALM 6-17-09)
  • The schedule for replacement charges was revised. The replacement charge for lost or damaged materials will be retail price rounded off to the nearest whole dollar, plus a $5 service charge. Patrons will not be allowed to replace items themselves.
  • New policies approved: Staff Computer Use policy and Acceptance of Gifts policy.

Sue will update the library brochure to reflect policy changes.

The City is experimenting with credit/debit service and it is expected that by the end of the year we will be able to accept payment by credit or debit card.

There has been an increase in the number of errors made when checking items in over the last month. No discharging will be done at the circulation desk. Materials from all book drops will be taken to the Circ Workroom for discharge and inspection.

Our telephone bill has recorded a larger-than-normal number of long distance calls lately. Possible causes of this are interlibrary calls and more patrons listing cell phones as their primary phone numbers. Staff should not make personal long distance calls on the library phone unless it is an emergency.

Trash will be picked up on Wednesday instead of Friday. The Tuesday night crew should put the trash cans in between the doors.

Beth has created a WEB folder on the server which contains sample web page designs. She would like everyone to look at them, read the accompanying document, and vote for your favorite and/or make comments about the designs.

A new shredder has been ordered. Jan Olson is assigned the responsibility of maintaining the shredder.

The staff schedule for July was reviewed.

ILL procedures were reviewed by Ginny Andersen. ILL books returned in the book drop should be discharged and placed in the ILL bin. Two types of ILL books may be received on the van. If the book belongs to us, discharge it, put the attached paperwork in the ILL bin, and shelve the book. If the book belongs to an out-of-system library, put it and its paperwork in the ILL bin. Remember that the "receive transit" function will not discharge an ILL book.

We are registered for the July 4 parade, which takes place at 3 p.m. Amber was advised by Ace Hardware that we should use oil-based enamel paint on the book carts. Amber will purchase the paint; let her know what colors you need.

Balancing the cash register at the end of the day should preferably be done after closing. If it must be done while patrons are in the library, take the cash drawer into the office and work on it there.

The opening and closing checklists need to be updated.

Amber feels the TDD is not being used. She is investigating using chat for reference questions.

Sign-up for the summer library program begins today.


Monday, June 8, 2009

May 2009 Staff Meeting

1. Summer Library Program

  • Sign up begins June 12. The first day to turn in hours is Monday, June 15.
  • You do not need a library card to participate. The program is open to people of all ages.
  • To register a patron, have them complete a registration card, one per person. Give them a reading bag and explain the reading record. Twelve boxes must be checked to claim a prize.
  • For children, the 1st prize is a t-shirt, 2nd prize is a book. After that, they may enter the drawing of their choice for each reading record turned in.
  • Teens may chose a t-shirt and book, or enter the drawings.
  • Adults may enter the drawing. T-shirts and books are included in the prizes they can win.
Each staff member was given a packet containing samples of the SLP forms, instructions on how the program works, and a schedule of events.

2. Volunteers
Volunteers working for Katrina this summer may work off overdue fines ($5 per hour worked), add money to their print account ($1 per hour worked), or possibly have their personal discs resurfaced. Summer volunteers will be required to wear name tags.

3. Twilight Program
Amber asked for a volunteer to help with the Friday night Twilight program. Myrna offered to help with this. Children will be allowed to attend with if accompanied by a caregiver or if the parent gives verbal permission to the librarian for the child to attend.

4. Patron Behavior Policy Changes
No food is allowed in the library except in designated areas (such as in the meeting room for programs). Beverages are allowed in covered containers, but not near the computers.

5. Deliveries
All deliveries should go to the TS room. Boxes should not be opened at the Circ Desks. Staff are not allowed to remove unprocessed items from the building.

6. Patron Registration
Be sure the form is filled out as completely as possible and always check to see if the patron already has a card. List the drivers license number as ALT ID for adults and also on the address tab in the DL space. Profile type should be GENERAL for adults, JUV-VIDEO for children 14-18, JUVENILE for children under 14. Sue will update the instructions for registering a new patron.

7. Schedule
Amber will save the master schedule on the Samba server. The most recent update will be available on Google Apps.

8. Amber demonstrated use of the microfilm reader/printer.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

April 2009 Staff Meeting

1. Do not give out staff information over the phone, including hours they work. If a staff member gets a call when they are not in, take a message.

2. When performing library transactions over the phone, ask for the patron's library card number or alternate ID. The alternate ID is the driver's license number or state ID for adults and the date of birth and initials for children.

3. Do not put up with inappropriate patron behavior. Ask the patron to leave and/or call the police if a patron is being abusive, including verbal abuse. Be sure to write an incident report about the situation. We are looking at upgrading our security camera system in the future.

4. Google accounts have been set up for all staff members. They can be accessed at There are also calendars for Adult Events, Youth and Family Events, and the Meeting Room schedule.

5. Phone use by patrons is not allowed except in an emergency situation. If children need to call for a ride, you make the call for them. If children under 16 are not picked up by closing, two staff members should stay with them. If they are not picked up within 15 minutes, call the police.

6. Turn computer monitors off overnight.

7. Amber is working on the summer schedule. There are two options for evening coverage on Mondays and Wednesdays. If you would like to work an evening, you may volunteer. If there are not enough volunteers we will use a rotation system so everyone works the same number of evenings during the summer.

8. The new patron registration form was reviewed.


March 2009 Staff Meeting

1. We will be getting a VISTA volunteer for the summer.

2. Our Tornado Shelter is the elevator pit. We will put together a "pit kit" containing flashlight, weather radio, snacks, games, etc. for use in an emergency situation.

3. Listing of staff job assignments was distributed. There are some jobs that have not yet been assigned to an individual. The primary/trainer in each area is expected to cross-train other staff so everyone is at least familiar with all areas of service. Job-related tasks are to be done on library time.

4. Library Card Procedures - the revised form and general procedures will be reviewed during the April meeting. Amber is trying to get approval for a "computer only" card for those children whose parents will not come in to sign/provide ID.

Wisconsin School for the Deaf students can get a library card without a parental signature if they have a school ID. The WSD Principal has given blanket permission to use her as the responsible individual. List the WSD address and phone in the space for mailing address. List the student's home address and phone in the "residence" space. Show the student's school ID number under "other ID."

Homeless applicants must have their library card applications approved by Fr. Myrick at Delavan Episcopal Church. Their library cards will be good from September through May, for 1 item at a time from the Delavan library only.

Milwaukee County residents may purchase a "nonresident" card for $50.

5. Survey of reference transactions will begin Monday. We will perform a reference count one week each quarter. Questions that count as reference are collection-related. We will be getting new people counters at both doors.

6. Policy changes were reviewed.

7. We discussed how the holds shelf should be set up. It was decided the hold slip should be longer so it can be stuck inside the book and that the patron's name should be listed at the top of the slip. Sue will make these changes.
