Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Staff Meeting 2/20/09

1. Missing DVDs - We will begin tracking the number of DVDs found missing from the shelf or discs missing from the cases. If you find an empty case on the shelf, mark the item missing and store the case in the galley closet. We should be able to run a report each month that shows the number of DVDs marked missing. With this information, Amber will do a cost analysis to determine if we should begin using security cases.

2. We may be getting a recording device for our security cameras.

3. Patron Behavior Policy is being reviewed by the Library Board. "No loitering" signs have been posted on the doors. Policy changes we can expect to see are:

No food allowed in the library except in designated areas (meeting room).

Drinks allowed in covered containers only.

No smoking within 20 feet of the building.

4. Patron Registration Policy - The registration form is being redone, combining the adult, child, and Spanish forms into one. Because the State of Wisconsin protects the library records of children 16 and older, our policy and procedure will be revised to lower the age for an adult card to 16 (with appropriate ID and proof of residence). The policy will also include a procedure and form for parents/guardians to request information about their child's library record.

5. Library Visits - Our goal is to have each staff member participate in one library visit. We have two visits scheduled (Pewaukee and New Berlin) and one in the works (Menomonee Falls). Look for things you would like in a new building; ask about what works and what doesn't -- what they would change if they could start over.

6. Reminder: After you respond to a voice mail message, be sure to delete it. We have started keeping a log book at the phone to record messages received, what action was taken, and who responded.

7. Guidelines for binding van items together - Myrna will write instructions. The van drivers need to be able to life and stack the bundles easily. Guidelines include binding like-sized items together, using enough rubber bands to hold them in place, and making the stacks small enough to lift with one hand.

8. Desk Reorganization Committee - Sandi and Janice will work to reorganize the supplies and equipment at the circulation desk. Amber would like them to make room for a second printer, find an alternative way to store items on hold, and make workflow as efficient as possible.

9. Multitasking - Patrons must be our first priority at the circulation desk. Both sides of the desk should be monitored, and only simple jobs that will not distract us from our public service responsibilities should be undertaken at the circ desk. Whenever possible, discharging should be done in the Circ Workroom. Amber is aware that we need more staff to have enough off-desk time to accomplish all our tasks. When it is quiet, one staff member can be "on call" away from the desk doing shelf reading, shelving or discharging. Rather than calling across the room, we will use a bell to signal when we need help at the desk.

10. Book Sale Shelf - Maintenance of the book sale shelf will be taken over by the Friends group.

11. Desk checklists will be created for routine jobs to insure they are done on a regular basis (i.e., pick list, discharging book drop, filing, shelf reading, etc.)

If I forgot anything, please let me know.

1 comment:

Sandi said...

I found the Pewaukee Library adult area "cold". Furniture was nice, but too light in color.There was too much clutter behind the desks even with all the drawers and shelves. The angled computer terminal areas were nice. Shopping baskets would be handy if they didn't walk out the door. Loved the childrens area. Very kid and adult friendly. The program kitchen was awesome. Will have to make a personal trip there to take it all in. Sandi