Thursday, March 12, 2009

Pewaukee Public Library (last Pewaukee post-I swear)

OK, so in the interest of time and all the other things I have to get done I'm going to have to condense the rest of my Pewaukee comments into one post. So here are the highlights and you can find all the other pictures in the Pewaukee Public Library folder on the Z drive.
The number one thing you notice when you enter the library and really one of the only art pieces there is this ceramic tile wall.
The tiles were created by community members of all ages but compiled by a local artist. It spans both floors and is an aqua green-to-blue color, though that's hard to see in this pic. It is gorgeous and truly impressive.
The second coolest thing in the Pewaukee Library is their shelf lighting. It is by far the most harmonious lighting I've ever seen in a library, though this picture isn't the greatest.

There are metal frames that span the bookshelves and suspend the lights between the shelves which helps to make sure no shelf is left in shadow. It was very aesthetically appealing and incredibly expensive. Oh well.

So you already saw Pewaukee's check out desk--well this is their reference desk which is located downstairs. They don't do checkout or checkin, just reference and work on projects.
At the reference desk you can also buy coffee and tea for the coffee/tea bar (there is a picture of this in the folder but it doesn't really show you anything since the "bar" is actually just a hot water machine). If I remember correctly, it was $1 for each.

The last thing I want to mention is their magazine display. They have the same shelves as we do but they have two signage ideas that I think would be very useful here.

They use, what appears to be, Do Not Circulate tape/stickers that go on the clear binders they put their magazines in. Putting the newest magazine in a binder like that makes it more difficult to steel and the sticker cuts down on the number of people trying to check them out. They also have labels behind each new magazine that says to lift the shelf to find back issues.
So, that's all I have for Pewaukee. Like I said, feel free to check out the other pictures in the folder and comment on them as you like but these were the attributes that stood out the most. Let me know if you have any questions. On to the next library!

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