Thursday, March 5, 2009

Right next to the circulation desk is the children's area. When building the building they decided that they didn't want kids running up and down the stairs (safety hazzard) from the lower level (where the children's area would have been) to the upper level (presumably where their parents would be) however the kids run up the stairs anyway so now they had the children's room more out of the way downstairs and didn't have the adult areas split in two. Anyway, this is the doorway to the children's room. The whole room has a nautical theme to it.

(book display area)

When you first walk in there is the children's desk to the right.

Kids' Opacs to the left. There were 4 other kids computers that had filtered internet on them.

This is the family bathroom in the kids room that is set up with lower fixtures for kids (almost every library I know has this), it is also nice and close to prevent accidents.

This is the area like we have that is more for reading and playing. Notice all the fun toys and beautiful mural.

Here we have the kitchen that is used solely for kids programs. It is set right into the kids program room for easy and convienient set up and clean up. The program room itself is off the children's area so families go through the kids library to get to storytime which I think is nice advertising if maybe a little loud at times.
Other than the theme (not my favorite) this was a beautiful example of a children's room and programing space. I'm very envious.

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