Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Nordstrom Way . . . Chapters 1-2

Amber's Questions:

1.  Nordstrom's is customer-driven instead of customer-focused.  What does that mean to you?

2.  What is our product and how can we ensure the highest quality?

3.  Working from the list of words in the staff room, choose 5 words that create our core values and five words that represent our procedures. (Here is the list of words:  dedication, helpfulness, innovative, customer-oriented, quality, enthusiasm, sense of humor, cheerfulness, curiosity, training, perceptive, compassion, fairness, teamwork, diversity, thoughtful, commitment, education, courteous, kind, adventurous, prudent, visionary, honesty, integrity, service.)

4.  As a staff, come up with a list of decisions that could possibly be made on the spot and ones that need to be bumped up to higher authorities.


Anonymous said...

1. Customer-driven is being the eyes of the customer-act as you would want to be treated.
2. Our product is service and we can ensure the best quality by doing the very best we can.
3. CORE VALUES-Service, Customer-oriented, Honesty, Integrity, Dedicated.PROCEDURES-Enthusiasm, Courteous,Helpfulness, cheerfulness, teamwork.
4. On the spot decisions-Search further for the product being sought & get back to customer. Try to "sell" them on another item.
Bumped Up-Customer totally not happy with product for whatever reason and abusiveness.

Anonymous said...

1. What are patrons looking for when they call, come in the door, or send us emails? The answers to that question is what drives our operation.
2.Our product is free community access to books, dvds, music, newspapers, local history sources, the Internet, music, information of all sorts, answers to questions, programs that inform and delight. We can ensure the highest quality by the things we selecting to make available,the care, skill, and persistence with which we serve our patrons.
3. Core values: education, service, quality, helpfulness, enthusiasm
Procedures: Fairness, courteousness, commitment, teamwork, perceptivity

4--on the spot:
bumped up: major problem of or with patron--how to handle major fines, bad behavior, very upset,

Anonymous said...

1. We need to listen to what the patrons want and expect,but they also should be aware of what we expect. It should be a shared experience on both sides.

2. Our product is knowledge and service. We can ensure a high quality product through continuing
staff education and public programs.

3. CORE VALUES: service, education,training, knowledge, commitment.
PROCEDURES: quality, customer oriented, helpfulness, cheerfulness, courteous.

4. how to handle major problems with patrons, inappropriate behavior.

Anonymous said...

1. Patron requests/questions usurp daily procedures - and staff as a team offers Aram's "product" while adapting constantly to their immediate consumer needs.
2.We offer helpful, courteous, knowledgeable assistance in regards to quick and easy access to myriad information and technology questions. Addressing patron needs and offerin g age-specific programming are key services.
3. Core Values: Service, Helpfulness, Honesty, Fairness,Knowledge
Procedures: Teamwork, Sense of humor, Quality, Perceptiveness, Empathy
4. Immediate: Book request substitutions, minor miscommunications, emergency phone usage. Further advice: Behavioral problems/rule breaking, major technical gaffs, fines levied without merit, etc.

Anonymous said...

1. The Library is both customer (patron) driven and customer focused. We are not retail, but we do strive to provide what types of information our community needs and wants. Our main focus is what we have within our walls (physical and virtual) that we can present to our patrons.

2. The product we provide is access to information, ideas, entertainment and knowledge. We encourage self-reliance.

3. CORE VALUES: dedication, innovation, education, vision.
PROCEDURES: quality, teamwork, exemplary customer service, integrity.
WORD #5: is on both my lists and I consider it to be the most important---commitment.

4. On the spot decisions would include those made about handling difficult patrons, patrons who do not behave properly, etc. Everyone relies on what our patron policies indicate as well as their own common sense.

Denise Galleger said...

1. In regards to the library, customer driven refers to our ability to provide assistance with a smile. We all strive to meet,and often anticipate the needs of our patrons when we offer alternative suggestions.
2.In addition to the many items we offer for checkout, our product is knowledge and service. As a staff, I believe we would like the library to be seen as a resource for the members of our community- a source of knowledge and continual learning.
3.Core values: education, quality,dedication,innovation and commitment
Procedures:training, courteousness,enthusiasm, teamwork and helpfulness
4.On the spot decisions would be those such as providing alternate suggestions for patrons, dealing with small fines where there is no history, and patron behaviors that are covered by library policy.
Decisions that could be bumped up are those in which a patron is clearly very upset or unreasonable.

Susan said...

1.I think that "customer-driven" means that the decisions that are made are based on what the cutomers demonstrate that they want in our collection and our services. On the other hand, I think that "customer-focused" means what we think the customers want-our opinions.
2.I think our product is service-education-and problem solving. I don't know how we would separate these three.
3. CORE VALUES: customer-orientated, diversity, commitment, visionary, and education.
CORE PROCEDURES: training, teamwork, courtesy, fairness, and enthusiasm.
4.I think that "On the Spot" decisions include dealing with small fines, dealing with inappropriate behavior, and problem-solving regarding customers' requests for materials or substitute materials.
I think that "Bumped Up" decisions include patrons who are upset with decisions made by staff, major fines that patrons question, and technical questions beyond the training we have been given.

Cheryl said...

1.Customer driven means basing the library's decisions on what the patrons would like for services and for our collections. It's important to treat customers (patrons) in a friendly, positive way - like we would expect to be treated.

2. The product we provide is service, knowledge, answers to questions, education, technology questions, etc. We can ensure the highest quality by addressing our patrons' needs and always striving to do our best.

3. CORE VALUES - service, education, diversity, dedication, customer-oriented
PROCEDURES - training, enthusiasm, courtesy, teamwork, fairness

4. ON SPOT - Decisions dealing with small fines, offering alternative suggestions, researching for an item the patron wants, dealing with inappropriate behavior
BUMPED UP - Upset/irrate patrons, major fines, bad behavior