Saturday, April 21, 2012

January 2012 Staff Meeting

Homebound Program – Lindsey is the primary contact and Susan H. is the secondary contact for this program.  A binder for each participating organization is kept in the galley closet.  Applicants complete a regular library card application form and a reading preference form.  Give the completed forms to Lindsey/Susan to make the library card.  Deliveries are made by Friends volunteers, who call in advance to let us know when they need materials for a particular site.

Facebook and Blog Entries – In an effort to get more staff input for the Facebook page and library blog, a folder called BLOG-FACEBOOK has been set up on the Z drive.  When you think of something that should go on either site, write it up and put it in this folder.  Kris will add storytime information.  Jan will add tax information.

Best Seller List – Susan H. will take over the weekly preparation of this list.

In-Service Day – Friday, February 17 from 8:30 to 5 we will hold a staff in-service.  Steve Ohs will be presenting a workshop on digital devices.  We will clean computers and learn the tasks on the “things everybody should know” list. 

Items Returned with Missing Parts -  Check all returned items before discharging them to be sure all pieces are present, i.e., correct number of discs.  If pieces are missing, DO NOT CHECK THE ITEM IN.  Call the patron and tell them what is missing, that the item cannot be checked in until all parts are received, and that there may be an overdue fine.  If the item belongs to another library, hold it here for up to a week. If the missing pieces are not returned, contact the owning library to see what they would like us to do.

Emergency Closures -  If there is no power iin the morning, the library will not open.  If the power goes out during the day for an extended period, we will close.  Post “Closed” signs on the doors and lock up.  In the event of inclement weather, Amber will contact each staff member by phone.  She looks at other libraries and the school district before making a decision.  Closings will be announced on WTMJ.  We can call the Police Dept. non-emergency number to determine if we need to close early.

Supply Ordering  will be taken over by Cynthia, with Susan H. as backup.

Amazon bill goes to Janice for reconciliation before Amber gets it .

Book orders will soon be through Brodart instead of Baker and Taylor.  We will be having  mylar jackets applied by them.  


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