Monday, September 5, 2011

August 2011 Staff Meeting

1.  Policy Quiz - Amber will be conducting random quizzes on policy and procedure issues that we encounter frequently.  This is an opportunity to refresh our knowledge and discuss our questions or make suggestions for improvement.  The quiz today covered child safety, patron behavior, and meeting room use.

2.  Change of Hours - One of the suggestions offered for our library by the UW-Parkside strategic planning team was that we consider being open on Sundays.  Their rationale for this was that, as the only Walworth County library open on Sunday, we would draw students needing homework help and working parents looking for family activities.  The library board suggested we survey our patrons to see if there is community interest in using the library on Sunday.  The survey form offers two options: (1) our current hours; (2) reduced weekday hours and Sunday afternoon hours during the school year.  The survey is being taken at the library and has been sent to the DD school district for inclusion in school newsletters.

3.  Volunteer Binder - Cheryl, as the new volunteer coordinator, has prepared a binder containing all forms and information about the volunteer program.  The binder will be kept at the service desk in the Youth Services Dept.  Amber will continue to interview candidates looking to serve court-ordered community service, VIP referrals, and work-study students.  All other volunteers should be sent to Youth Services to fill out an application.

4.  List of Staff Responsibilities - Amber will email each of us the revised list.  This will be changing again as new employes are hired and trained.

5.  Library Card Sign-up Month (September) - We decided not to run any promotions in September this year.  We will take food for fines in November, and anticipate reinstating read-off-your-fines in January 2012 with a revised form, clear instructions, and a strict policy as to what reviews are acceptable.

6.  Other Stuff -
  • New employees to be hired are two 20-hour-per-week Library Assistants (one for Ginny's position, one for Kate's) and one 15-hour-per-week page.
  • Exceptions to the restrictions on fees and tutors in the meeting room may be granted to government agencies, including Delavan Parks & Rec, and Literacy Council tutors.
  • The Library Board has formed a new committee to look into forming a foundation for the purpose of fund raising.
  • Ordering will be out-sourced to Racine PL.  Item selection will still be made by Amber and Kelly, but the actual ordering will be done by Racine (which will include on-order records for our items).  Shipments will still come directly to APL.
  • We are doing a program exchange with Racine -- we will do 2 programs there, they will do 2 programs here.
  • We will undergo a trial period of receiving books from Baker & Taylor with mylar jackets already applied.
  • DVD labels and cataloging will be changed to reflect the separation of TV series and anime from the balance of the DVD collection.  Colored labels have been ordered and we have a volunteer coming in to switch them out.

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