Tuesday, July 26, 2011

July 2011 Staff Meeting

My notes this month are kind of sketchy, so feel free to add or expand upon anything!

Staff duties list: Amber has updated and will distribute

Volunteer jobs and patron privacy concerns: We talked about how much access to patron records volunteers should have. Volunteers are not to discharge materials, receive in-transit items, or perform any other function that allows them access to patron records. Cheryl will take over the volunteer coordinator position. We talked about having an application form and a list of jobs volunteers can do.

Patron requests in Workflows should be marked “Replied” and the date of the reply entered after they are taken care of.

Circ room errors were discussed. We need to be sure to label everything so others will know what needs to be done.

Kelly asked that the disc cleaning machine be moved from her office ASAP. She also reminded us not to use her office as a hallway. If there isn’t a program or meeting, go through the meeting room instead of Kelly's office.

Policy binders were updated.

Kelly stressed the importance of keeping the website calendar updated.

Amber is keeping the staff schedules online at Google docs. We are all able to view them and make changes.

Prioritizing tasks: Desk duties, including shelving, come before projects.

Public disc cleaning service: We discussed charging the public to clean their personal discs. There were questions about who is going to do this, how this fits into our scheduled duties, and how much to charge. We have also had problems with the disc cleaning machine. Staff felt this project should be put on hold.

Questions:  Can a library card be issued to a child whose parent is blocked with a major fine? Yes.
Can we give refunds for printing? Only on guest accounts.

DVDs are going to be divided into sections: TV Series, Feature Films, Anime, and Nonfiction.

Information about homebound services should be given to Lindsey.


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