Saturday, August 1, 2009

July 2009 Staff Meeting

Photocopies: Library staff are not to make photocopies for patrons. In order to avoid the possibility of copyright infringement. We may teach patrons to use the copier, but not make copies for them. (See for copyright information.)

In-house holds: For patrons who have a library card, a hold should be placed, trapped and stored on the holds shelf. In other circumstances, such as when a patron forget to bring ID or does not have a library card, an item may be held at the circulation desk until close of business on the day of the request.

Refunds for “found” lost materials: Our Fees and Fines policy specifies that no refunds will be given once a lost item has been paid for.

Wireless Internet: Our WiFi network is not secure. There is no password required to log in. Patrons are responsible for managing their own equipment; staff may offer “hands off” assistance only.

Van Routing Slips: The transit slips we generate in large print can be used instead of the white routing slips on items going to Lakeshores libraries. Blue or pink routing slips should continue to be used for materials going to other library systems.

Book Donations: The Friends have advertised that we are accepting book donations for the summer book sale. We do not accept magazines, encyclopedias, textbooks, or anything moldy or dirty. Any donations received in bad condition can go right into the recycle bin.

Color Printer: There is money in our 2009 budget to purchase a color printer for public use.

Holiday Vacation Requests: Anyone planning to take vacation from Thanksgiving through New Year must have requests turned in by September 21.

Summer Library Program: There is a sheet listing winners of the children’s prizes at the children’s desk. Prizes and Welcome Baby Bags are on the white shelves. Katrina’s volunteer (Monica) has been trained to do shelving and can help in the adult areas as well as childrens.

Book Sale: The Friends summer book sale will be held Saturday, August 8 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. under the tent, with an indoor preview for members on Friday from 5-7 p.m. Memberships will be sold at the door.

Attitude makes a big difference in customer service. Complaints have been received about staff being “short” or “mean” with children. Be aware of how you appear to the public and remember that kids are not as understanding about the frustrations of the job as adults are.

Check-in at patron’s request is OK to do at the circulation desk if it is not busy and the patron does not have a humongous pile to be discharged. Use your judgment.

The Parental Release of Information Form has been viewed by some patrons as something we are doing to make it more difficult for them to get information about their children. Be sure to explain to them that this is our way of being sure the correct person is getting their child’s information. For new library cards, it’s easy to have the parent complete the release of information form at the same time they sign their child’s registration form. And be sure to record the information in the child’s patron record.

Program coverage is sometimes a problem since adult programs are often in the evening. Sue asked for staff assistance in covering adult evening programs. Beginning computer classes are being scheduled in the fall. If anyone feels comfortable teaching a basic computer or email class, please let Amber know.


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