Saturday, September 18, 2010

September 2010 Staff Meeting

Pocket Talker/I-Vu:  Amber demonstrated the Pocket Talker, a personal amplifier with microphone for use at the Circ Desks to help hard-of-hearing patrons.  
We also own two i-vu units.  i-vu is a battery-powered digital magnifier for patrons to use in the library for reading small print.  Each will be barcoded and a patron wanting to use one will check it out; however, the unit may not be taken out of the library. 
The library has received a Kindle for which we purchase newspaper subscriptions.  This, again, will be for use only in the library.  
Further instructions on the Kindle and i-vu will be distributed when they are ready for public use.

Text Message Notices:  Aram PL is a test site for text message delivery of hold notifications.  Beginning next week, the Text Message option may be designated as the method of notification. We need to find out from Jim how this is to be entered into the "notify via" field.  Patrons who choose text message notification will have their cell phone number entered in the SMS field on the Address tab.

Juvenile New Fiction:  Kelly has set up an area for new juvenile fiction books.  The first 2 shelves at the beginning of the fiction section will display new juvenile fiction.  When cataloging these books, the home location will be listed as FICJ-NEW.  After 3 months, the new sticker will be removed and the home location changed to FICJ.   This area will not be used for new picture books, easy readers, or nonfiction books.

December Holiday Pay:  Amber answered questions about the Paid Vacation Holidays in December and January.  A vacation request form must be completed for the day you want to take your Paid Vacation Holiday.  It may be listed as "Other" on the form, or write in "PVH."  You may take the whole day off, but will only be paid for 3 hours unless you combine the PVH with vacation or your float day.

Damaged Materials on Van:  A reminder that when materials belonging to other libraries are received on the van in damaged condition, do not receive them.  Check them out to the owning library's problem card and send them to the owner to be repaired.

Technology Update:  Jim Novy will be here Monday to complete the network repairs.

Workflow Analysis:  Steve Ohs, Library Development Coordinator for the LLS, will visit our library Tuesday, September 28 to perform a workflow analysis.  This is a survey done to identify ways to make our work processes more fluent and productive.  He will probably be talking with staff about our work procedures.

Coffee Pot:  The coffee pot, after being turned off overnight, seems to have corrected its heating problem.  Sue will put the phone number and contact info for FilterFresh in the Rolodex upstairs.  The instruction book for the coffee machine is on the shelf with the condiments.

Charge History Rule:  A field for "Charge History Rule" has been added to the patron data base.  This is where patrons can have a list of their previous check-outs saved.  Amber will check her LLS meeting notes for instructions.  (I turned my history on by going to Modify User and selecting ALL CHARGES in the Charge History field.  When you look at my record in Display User and click on the tab that says Charge History, there's a list of things I've returned.  The same list also shows up when I access MY ACCOUNT through the catalog. --Sue)

Note:  I will update the Patron Registration Form to include Text Message and Charge History as options. I'm also going to put the parental release of information form on the back.   --Sue

AMBER'S TREASURE HUNT:  Each staff member must submit to Amber  in wriing by next Friday (9/24):
  1. Instructions for logging on to Rosetta Stone.
  2. How to check the toner on the Ricoh B&W printer.
  3. How to access the Staff Training Blog.
Powerspeak:  There is now a link to the Powerspeak language learning program on our web page.  Amber, Ginny, Oscar and Sandi have attended training on this program.

August 20, 2010 Staff Meeting

Closing Time:  Be aware of the correct time and don't lock the doors early. Give patrons in the library sufficient warning to check out their items before closing. 

Summer Program ideas for next year were touched upon briefly.

Patron Requests:  Patron Requests should be checked in Workflows each morning.  Instructions on how to do this will be placed in the Staff Handbook.

Moving Furniture:  The Patron Behavior Policy prohibits the moving of furniture by patrons.

2011 Budget:  Amber briefly discussed the budget negotiations going on at the City and their possible effects on the library.  We were instructed to refer any complaints about lack of services to the City Council.

Head of Youth Service:  Kelly Jensen has been hired for this position.  Her starting date will be September 7.  Oscar will be leaving by mid-October.

Patron Registration:  We talked about the importance of entering data uniformly in the patron record, particularly in searchable fields.  Jan O. will prepare a sample record showing the correct format for each entry.  A copy will be kept in the Staff Handbook.  Please be sure to initial the registration form for any card you prepare.

DVD Inspection:  We are discontinuing the "dots" procedure.  Instead, a grid-printed label will be placed inside each DVD box which you should initial and date when you inspect a DVD.  Again, take your time when checking items in.  Watch the computer screen.  Inspect items carefully and send to mending when needed.

New Policies from August Board Meeting

Amber reviewed the revised Holiday Pay Policy which provides for a 3-hour Paid Vacation Holiday in lieu of holiday pay when the second day of a 2-day holiday falls on Saturday. 

The Circulation Policy was also reviewed.  The major change here is that a collection agency will be involved when the amount due is over $200.  The duty of monitoring overdues will be assigned to staff on a 2-year rotation.

The Sick Leave policy draft was also reviewed.

Book Processing Procedure:  Books will now be cataloged before going to processing.  After the processing backlog is taken care of, a written procedure will be prepared and shelves in TS will be designated for each step of the procedure.

Friday, September 3, 2010

July 16, 2010 Staff Meeting

Library Cards:   If the applicant is not able to provide proof of current addresss, mail the registration form to the address provided and ask the applicant to bring it in with the envelope.  A note from the landlord is not sufficient proof.

Summer School Buses:  Children are being dropped off in front of the library after summer school.  If their parents are not here to pick them up, they may come into the library to wait.  We will have contact info.

Computers:  A network upgrade will be done July 19-24 and all computers will be down.

Do not place book sale items on the holds shelf to keep them for patrons.

(Notes provided by Janice)

June 18, 2010 Staff Meeting

Housekeeping:  Check phone messages first thing in the morning for staff who may be calling in sick.  If you  have to call in sick, leave a message at the adult desk and also on Amber's voice mail.

Summer Library Program:  Teens register upstairs, not in the Children's Dept.  They can have their choice of shirt styles.

(Notes provided by Janice)