Saturday, September 19, 2009

September 2009 Staff Meeting

1. Vacation requests – Show the hours you are actually scheduled to work on your vacation request form.

2. Items in wrong place on holds shelf – Do not use rubber bands to group hold items together. Be sure to scan the patron’s card to see how many holds they have available before you go to the shelf to look for the items. Be careful and take your time.

3. Lost and found – Valuable items will be kept in the galley closet for 30 days before being put in the lost and found basket. If there is any way to identify to whom the item belongs, you should do so and call the owner.

4. Community Service workers – Anyone applying to perform community service at the library must be interviewed by the Library Director. A list of jobs for community service workers will be kept at the desk along with their timesheets.

5. Pro-rating replacement cost for damaged items – We do not prorate the cost of any item based on normal wear and tear. When an item is no longer suitable for circulation and cannot be repaired, it should be withdrawn. The replacement cost listed in the catalog does not include the processing fee.

When you prepare a new card, be sure patrons know they are responsible for returning items on time and in good condition. Explain the patron responsibilities that they agree to when they sign the borrower registration form.

6. Directional signage – Many patrons are confused by the bent arrows on the directional signage. New signs will be prepared with straight left and right arrows.

7. Staff communication – All communications from Amber will be sent by email and a copy printed out for the notebook. The staff notebook will be our primary means of communication.

8. Flu season preparation – Antibacterial wipes will be kept near the public computers for patrons to use on the keyboards and mice, and computers will be wiped down each evening as part of the closing procedure. CDC “cover your cough and sneeze” and “clean your hands” flyers will be posted throughout the library. Tissues, wipes, and hand sanitizer will be kept in places easily accessible to patrons.

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