Friday, May 3, 2013


May 2, 2013
  At the " 50 SHADES OF LIBRARIES"  2013 Spring , there were a couple of sessions that I found quite interesting.  One was called "DOES SIZE MATTER? ROVING REFERENCE"  The libraries involved, were all heavily weeding their Reference sections by at least 60%.  If the info is online, why have it on your shelf!  Also, phone books were eliminated except for the area and closer large cities.  Making space is key!  Instead of having at least 1 reference desk,  staff  took 15 minute shifts of doing "roving reference" with headsets and IPads-walking in the stalks and asking if the patrons were finding what they needed.  If they did not need the help at that time, the staffer would be at the desk shortly if they thought of something. Don't approach patron from back or whisper.  Even if you need to go around the shelving unit, try to approach them from the front or side and talk to them in a normal voice as not to scare them and make them angry.
  Another session was called "E-COMMERCE & VILLAGE POST OFFICE AT THE LIBRARY."  The Director of a small library told of her quest for using debit & credit cards at their library, book sales, or any other library function where money would need to be exchanged.  They tried different software and came up with their present system called INTUIT.  There is a $10 minimum use, plus a 2.75% transaction fee.  People really seemed to like this service.  Also, as their village post office hours diminished, the Director fought very hard with the village clerk's help, to have the library  be a limited service post office. The library is open longer hours that the Village PO. They only sell stamps and take in prepaid packages for pickup by a postal carrier (at this time). Their debit & credit card software also works for postage stamps. They get a monthly check from USPS for the stamp sales. This is based on a formula of the sale of postage stamps from the Village Post Office (approx. 2% (if I understand it correctly).  This service is not in any way implying that the Village PO is closing.  People were horrified until they got it through their heads that the library was an additional postal service through the PO.  Yet-the Director has a place all picked out in her library lobby in case the Village PO does close someday, for the PO Boxes.  Sandi