Monday, March 25, 2013

March 2013 Staff Meeting

Thank you, Susan, for providing notes from this meeting.

There may be a separation from Midwest in the next couple months.  Should this occur, it may affect/increase our ILL numbers.  (Denise is training with Cheryl on the ILL process.)  We will remain with Lakeshores (Racine and Walworth Counties) so we keep Jim and Steve (computers), Vicki (ILL), Ann (cataloging), and the van service. Other counties may join Lakeshores  based on geographical closeness or similar philosophies. We will soon begin a watch on what is delivered by van to see how the loss of Midwest would affect our patrons. (Could be by the use of some sort of a checklist…)                                    

Processing problems
Problems identified include wrong position of barcodes, incorrect use of tape, incorrect placement of inside tape. Please see Sandi in the next three weeks before processing anything else. See email from Amber

Changes in the youth library
Non-fiction DVDs will now be housed separately (no longer in the shelf collection) under the biographies.
Playaways and audiobooks are on the shelves by the door. The youth VHS collection has been weeded down to a minimal number (approx. 10). Those 10 were kept because they are not yet available in DVD format. The reference and Spanish collections have been repositioned–on the shelves by the door-as well.  See the email from Katherine.
National Library Week-April 14-20th
There will be surveys for the patrons during National Library week. These will be about programming ideas - what do they want and what times.  Encouragement will be offered to get them to fill out the surveys. Possible perks for patrons that week ($1.00 off fines, free disk cleaning, $1.00 off printing) will be drawn from a fishbowl when they check out.

Comment Cards
The library board wants to institute a system of comment cards. Cards and a box will be placed at each service desk.

Computer Problem Forms
Please date computer problem forms when you turn them in.Amber will get a container to put these forms in so they will get quick attention.

Discard policy
Staff must now pay for discarded books. (We used to be able to take them home to read them and then bring them back.)  Make sure another staff member takes the money for your purchase and puts it in the cash register. Suggestion:  tape the receipt to that purchase (or any Friends purchase) until you get home.

Cleaning week
Please sign up to spend some of your off-desk time cleaning.  Katherine will make a to-do- list so we know what she wants done. Both Katherine and Amber will be around if we have questions about what things can be thrown away. Heavy-duty shelving and bins may be purchased as the need is determined.

On-line sign up for the summer library program is being investigated.  

Computer Order
Along with the replacement computers we will receive this year, there will be 20 licenses for Windows 2010 (not CIRC not OPAC) and 1 license for Windows 2013.

May 2-WAPL conference at Grand Geneva Resort
Conference schedules are on the counter - please pick one up. (Thanks Sandi!)  If you have a conflicting appointment or another job, please see Amber.

NO discussion on SLP committees or cash register changes.

February 2013 Staff Meeting

New Youth Programs
Youth Services programs coming in the future will include 1000 Books Before Kindergarten, a book club at Phoenix School for 6th graders, lunchtime programs at the elementary schools, and the DDHS novel club.

Disc cleaning service
Since the waiver form and cash register departments have not been set up yet and everyone is not comfortable using the disc cleaning machine, we will postpone beginning this service until March 2.

Personnel matters
The number of hours each employee is allowed to work depends on their hiring agreement.  If anyone has questions about their limit, check with Amber.  Keep in mind that your weekday hours are adjusted down so that you don't go over your limit when Saturdays and Sundays are included.
A handout about FMLA was given to each employee.  The purpose of FMLA is to preserve your job in case you have to be off work without pay for an extended time due to medical or health issues.  We should complete the FMLA paperwork any time there is the possibility of a lengthy absence.

Challenged materials procedure
We had a patron question the appropriateness of one of our movies this month.  In the policy manual, you will find the Reconsideration of Challenged Materials policy, which outlines the procedures to be followed when a patron disagrees with choice of materials.  A verbal complaint is considered informal and may be referred to the Library Director if available.  The patron should be offered a Request for Reconsideration form to be completed if he or she wishes to file a formal complaint.

New policies
The Release of Adult Records policy outlines when an adult patron's library records may be released to a designated guardian or fiduciary agent.
Wireless Internet Policy has been revised to require the user to enter an access code.  Codes will be single-use, and will be stocked at the Adult Services desk.
Collections letter to be sent to patrons owing more than $50

Summer Reading Program
Themes:  Early Literacy & Children - Dig Into Reading
               Teens - Beneath the Surface
                Adults - Groundbreaking Reads
We divided into committees to begin planning events for the summer reading program.

January 2013 Staff Meeting

Public disc cleaning service
We will offer a public disc cleaning service for audio, video, and game discs once a week on Saturday from 1:00 to 2:30.  Patrons will be charged $3 per disc and will be required to sign a waiver, which will be kept on file at the Adult Services desk.  The maximum number of discs per person per day will be 10, but the limit may be adjusted downward depending on workload.  Discs from other libraries may be done for the same price.

Amber is aware of the problems with the Zinio link and will fix it today.  Zinio allows library patrons to borrow digital copies of magazines for use on their ereader or computer.

The portable scanner has been cataloged and is ready for checkout.  Amber demonstrated how to use it; the instruction sheet is in the box and the owner's manual is in the file cabinet.

New ILL procedure
Cheryl reviewed the new ILL procedure outlined in the handout she gave to everyone.  When ILL items are checked out, use the bar code on the green card and adjust the due date to match the date on the card. Put the  When returned by the patron, ILL items will be placed in the ILL box in the circ room or at the Adult desk; DO NOT CHECK THEM IN.

How to transfer calls from the children's desk
The screen on the children's library phone has a menu that appears when you answer a call.  The transfer procedure is the same as on other phones:  select TRANSFER from the menu, enter the extension to which the call will be transfered, when you reach the intended recipient of the call, select JOIN, and hang up the phone.

Milwaukee Bucks reading challenge
Materials have been received for the Milwaukee Bucks reading challenge.  Packets to be given to interested youth are in a green bin under the children's desk along with instructions on how the program works, who may participate, and the stickers and vouchers that we give out when reading is completed.

Use of problem card
Items on hold for the Delavan Problem card should be checkout out to that card when they are received from other libraries.  After the corrective action is taken, they should be discharged.

Adult book discussion
Sue asked for a volunteer to take over some of the adult book discussions sessions.  Cheryl volunteered.

Register reports
Sue asked to have a copy of the nightly register reports put in her box.  Run the X1 report for Sue; run the Z1 report to clear the register for the next day and to attach to the reconciliation sheet.

Disc machine maintenance
Maintenance of the disc cleaning machine was discussed.  There is a list on the disc cleaning table that tells what daily and weekly maintenance should be done.  Disc machine maintenance will be added to the closing checklist on Friday.