Tuesday, December 21, 2010

December 2010 Staff Meeting

Program Planning by Committee:  Two committees will be formed: one for children’s programs, one for adult programs.  Please sign up at the desk if you would like to serve on one or both of these committees.

Inclement Weather Procedure Review: Amber went over the procedure we follow during tornado emergencies.   The building will be locked and a sign posted on the door. Adult patrons will be given the choice of going into the shelter or leaving; unaccompanied minors will be required to enter the shelter.  We discussed putting together an emergency supply kit to be kept in the elevator pit.  Amber asked us to make a list of supplies needed for this kit. 

Payment for Lost/Damaged Items: We will no longer send money for lost and damaged items to the owning library on the van.  A report will be run monthly (to be set up by Jim) showing the total amount we collected.  Amber will deposit that amount in a special account.  Payment will be sent yearly to Lakeshores and they will distribute it to the proper libraries. 

Global Item Modification: There is a feature in the Cataloging function of WorkFlows that enables us to quickly change item information for multiple items.  We did not have time for a demonstration at this meeting.  If anyone would like to see how it works, contact Sue, Sandi, or Ginny. 

New Books Blog: Sue asked for volunteers to write about new books on the blog.  Amber suggested that when any of us reads a book we especially enjoy, we should write up a short paragraph about it and forward it to Sue to be added to the blog. 

Meeting Room Calendar: We had some problems with the Google meeting room calendar, so began keeping a written copy in addition to the on-line calendar.  To check the meeting room schedule, check both the Google calendar and the paper copy in the “Meeting Room” binder, which is kept on the shelf with schedules binder and the AM/PM checklist.  The large desk calendar will not be used to record meeting room reservations. 

Sit and Serve Help Area: We discussed how to deal with patrons who are unable to stand while being helped at the desk.  We concluded that it would not be practical to reserve a specific seat for this purpose, but that we should accommodate patrons with special physical needs by providing a seat if they need one. 

Returned Mail Procedure: Overdue notices and bills that are returned by the Post Office should be given to Lindsey.  She will try to contact the patron to update personal information.  If that attempt is unsuccessful, she will bar the patron’s card and add a dated and initialed note stating the reason for the bar. 

Kindle: The Kindle has been returned from Lakeshores with a number of books loaded on it.  We are still allowing a 2-hour in-library only checkout for this device.  Checkout procedure has not changed from the last time we discussed it. 

Registration Forms for Minors: There was an incident recently where a noncustodial grandparent signed the application form for a minor’s library card.  Only a custodial parent or legal guardian may register a child for a library card.  Ask the adult who is signing for the child if they are the child’s legal guardian.  If there is any question about their status, we may require a legal document. 

Text Message Notifications: Per Jim Novy, the “Notify Via” field does not have to be filled in for text message notification.  However, since only hold pickup notices are sent by text, that field should contain a secondary method of contact (PHONE, PAPER, EMAIL).  Everyone received a copy of the memo with instructions on how to complete the SMS field. 

Snow Emergencies: The Library will not automatically close when school is cancelled.  Wait for a call from Amber or monitor closings on TV and radio (WLKG  96.1 FM Lake Geneva; WCLO 1230 Janesville; WTMJ 620 Milwaukee; WFAW 940 Fort Atkinson).  While discussing various types of emergencies that may cause us to close, we decided to sanitize keyboards and mice during the winter. 

January PVH: Amber reminded everyone that the 3 hours of PVH for January 1 need to be scheduled sometime during the month of January. 

Microfilm Reader: Amber demonstrated how to connect to the staff wireless network from the microfilm reader.