Thursday, October 22, 2009

October 2009 Staff Meeting

Helping Patrons on the Computer
Our computers are self-service. Staff may help a patron log on or find a program and may answer brief questions if it is not busy. Patrons who need extensive instruction should either bring someone with them to help them or sign up for a computer class. Our computer policy states:

Computer use is provided with the understanding that it is primarily self-service and that most learning will occur through self-instruction instead of library staff intervention.

Handouts will be created to answer frequently asked questions, such as how to cut and paste, print, or save to a flash drive.

Garbage and Recycling
This is a reminder that garbage should be put in the foyer on Tuesday nights and moved outside Wednesday morning. Recycling should be put in the foyer on Wednesday night and moved outside Thursday morning.

Summer Reading Program
Katrina discussed three options for offering summer reading prizes:

  1. Letting children choose a prize each week when they turn in their reading hours.
  2. Offering prize drawings throughout the summer.
  3. Giving tokens for hours of reading which can then be spent on prizes in an SRP Store which would be open once or twice a week.

Staff favors trying the tokens/store option for 2010. Katrina also is planning a kick-off event the Saturday after school ends (June 12) and is gathering ideas for this event -- staff input is welcome.

Training for Staff
Katrina proposed that a system be created to offer regular training opportunities for staff, similar to the CE credits required for professional librarians. Amber agreed that each staff member should be required to attend one class or workshop each year beginning in 2010.

Web Page
Katrina spoke about maintenance of the web page since Beth's resignation. She stressed to Amber that in order to keep contenty up to date, all of us need to be able to add or change the page. Amber said she is experimenting with software that would make this possible.

Candy will be handed out in the Children's Department Friday 10/30 and Saturday 10/31. We received a donation of candy to be used for trick-or-treat and Katrina will also purchase some. Halloween is on a Saturday and anyone who is working that day may wear a costume to work.

Next Week (10/19-23)
Amber and Katrina will both be gone to WLA next week. Kate will pick up the checks Friday. Katrina is expecting a volunteer (Kyle) on Saturday 10/24. He should be taught to clean disks and make photocopies and he should clean out the recycle room.

Other Comments
Katrina will begin making visits to the K4 classes at Wileman and Turtle Creek schools. Staff reviews will be done before the end of the year.
