Sunday, April 20, 2008

Reference Services, Chapter 4

Chapter 4 – Interview Techniques

At last! The patron has found the place to ask, has not been scared off, has approached the desk and asked a question. But what does the patron really want to know?

Most patrons will start by asking a general question rather than for the specific information needed. The reference interview is a dialogue between the librarian and patron that guides the patron through the process of asking and insures that the librarian understands what the true question is.


Pay attention to the patron. Be a good listener. Focus your attention on the patron you are helping. Look at the patron while he or she is talking.

Provide feedback to the patron. Simple statements such as “I see,” or “I understand,” nodding your head or making eye contact show you are paying attention and thinking about the question.

Let the patron finish. Don’t risk interrupting the patron’s train of thought. Let the patron complete the entire question, then restate the question back to the patron to be sure you understand accurately what he or she is asking.


1. Where are the restrooms?

2. Where do I check out books (renew books, pay fines)? This question is asked frequently in libraries that have a reference desk separate from the circulation desk. But even in our library, people are sometimes confused about which side of the desk is for checkout, where to return books, etc.

3. How do I print (email, save, or photocopy) my stuff? You may help the patron find the best information source in the world, but if they can’t print, photocopy or save the information they will be dissatisfied.

4. Do you have a stapler (tape, paper clip, pencil)? Providing basic office supplies makes a huge difference in patron satisfaction and willingness to return. We should provide a reasonable amount of basic supplies in a place where patrons can use them.

5. Where are the magazines (newspapers, books on [fill in a subject])? Most often the patron doesn’t want to know where we keep things, but is looking for some specific information. This is the ideal question to lead into a reference interview. A good response to this type of question is,“Do you want a specific title or are you looking for information on a topic?” Then, if they want a specific title you can help them find it. If they are looking for information on a topic, you begin a more in-depth questioning.


The listening process also involves nonverbal communication. Specific aspects of nonverbal communication that can aid the reference librarian are:

Patron profile – Every library serves a certain defined community. The reference librarian should learn the needs and question patterns of the community as a whole. Then look at the patron you are serving and estimate how that person fits into the user community. Nonverbal clues such as age, gender and dress can help you estimate what kind of service will be required by that patron.

Patron time – Nonverbal communication is a good indicator of how much time a patron is willing to spend on a reference transaction.

Patron materials – Notice what materials the patron is carrying when approaching the reference desk. A patron may have notes or may already have found some information on the topic. A student may have an assignment or instruction sheet.


Although listening skills and nonverbal skills are important, verbal communication skills are the most important part of the reference process. We learn the most about the inquiry by questioning the patron. Some patrons find asking for help difficult or embarrassing. The librarian should not only help the patron pinpoint his or her information needs, but make the patron feel comfortable about asking. Questions can be used to gather more information from the patron, to verify the subject, and to suggest potential search strategies.

Open-ended questions do not elicit a predetermined response. They are intended to gather more information and allow the patron to expand upon the research needed. Open-ended questions should be used early in the reference interview when the patron is trying to explain the information need. Examples:

Can you tell me more about that?

Where have you looked so far?

What kind of material do you expect to find on this topic?

How much would you like to find on your topic?

Closed-ended questions elicit a specific answer, often a yes or no response. They are used near the end of the interview, to verify specific features of the patron’s question. Examples:

Have you looked in the library catalog?

Do you want books or articles?

Do you want current or historical information?

While working with a patron, be careful to use only neutral questions. Do not criticize, accidentally insult, or imply anything negative about the patron. “Why” questions may cause the patron to feel he has to justify his information need and generally should be avoided. For example, ask

How do you plan to use that information? rather than “Why do you need that?” or “What do you need that for?

"What about that source helped you?rather than “Why did you look there?

At the end of the reference interview, always try to restate the patron’s question and then ask “is that what you want?”


The librarian must make it clear to the patron when the reference interview is over.

Tell the patron that you have finished, start him with a logical source and tell him to return to the reference desk if that source does not answer the question.

When the reference desk gets busy, the librarian must balance the needs of the individual with the needs of the group. If you are working on a long and involved reference question and other patrons are waiting, tell the first patron that her question will take some time. Give her something to start with, and tell her that you will return after you have helped some of the others.


Some patrons do not have a real reference question and just want to hang out and talk. We must make it clear to these patrons that we are here to help with questions, not to solve their personal problems. These patrons may begin with a reference question then demand that we listen to their other issues. This is the only time that a librarian should consciously be short with a patron.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Reference Services, Chapter 3

Chapter 3 – Environmental and Administrative Factors

For any reference service to be successful, patrons must know that such a service exists, and know where to go and how to get that service. No matter how strong your knowledge and skills, you are useless to patrons if they can’t find you when they need help. This chapter discusses location, hours and staffing of the reference service area.


The traditional method of providing reference service is from a designated location within the library. This service desk is generally located near the reference collection, with computer access nearby. Patrons need to be able to find it easily. A central location, visible from the entrance to the building and with clear signage is best. (Alternative names for reference desk = information, research assistance, help desk.)

Some libraries combine the reference service with other functions, like in our library where all services are performed from one location. The advantage of a system like this is that patrons have fewer places to go for service. The disadvantage is that reference service becomes a small part of the larger circulation function. Patrons with information needs require your undivided time and attention, which is difficult to provide at a multipurpose service desk.

Remote service via telephone, e-mail, instant messaging or chat can also be effective in fulfilling patrons’ information needs.

Telephone service works best for short answer questions, since telephone patrons often compete with in-library patrons for service.

E-mail reference service allows patrons to submit a question at any time, even when the library is closed, and allows the librarian to respond when it is most convenient. Most e-mail reference services use a form to help the patron structure the question. Since there is no direct contact between the librarian and patron, back-and-forth correspondence may be required to clarify the question or obtain additional information. An advantage of this type of service is that the librarian can send material directly to the patron if using electronic sources.

Instant messaging or chat reference combines the interactivity of telephone and in-person service with the speed of the computer. Advantages: the patron can get help quickly regardless of where that patron is located. Disadvantages include the possibility that the remote patron will be competing with in-library patrons for service, the librarian and patron must have compatible technology, and the librarian must constantly be monitoring the system for activity. (Other technologies mentioned include video streaming and web page pushing; with no info given about either.)


The American Library Association recommends that a library should offer reference service during all the hours the library is open. If this is not possible, then reference service should be available during the hours that meet the needs of the majority of their users.


Three staffing models were discussed.

Professional Librarians Only – The professional librarian is trained in reference interview and searching skills, is most knowledgeable about the library and its collections, and is therefore the best person to help patrons. (What a snob!) But who needs a P.L. to direct them to the bathroom, look up WalMart’s phone number, or help them master the computer catalog? And what happens when there’s one P.L. on duty and 6 college students need resources on 6 different subjects?

Mixed Staffing – Another person works at the reference desk with the reference librarian. The staff member or student answers directional questions and basic reference questions, and the librarian handles in-depth research questions. (The course instructor uses this staffing method for his library’s reference service. He uses student assistants to answer the phone, provide directional information, help patrons with the catalog, and help with problems at computer workstations. Research help is provided by the librarian.)

Tiered Service – The reference desk is manned by a staff person or student. The reference librarian is in a separate location. Patrons approach the reference desk with their questions, and if the question is beyond the capabilities of the staff/student, the patron is referred to the reference librarian. This requires the reference staff to recognize when a referral should be made, and the reference librarian to be available when needed. This model was presented as “providing excellent service to a few, while the majority of patrons receive lesser service.” A study at Brandeis University showed that 34% of patrons will leave rather than wait for additional help. This staffing model can work well in libraries with little need for in-depth reference service.

My thoughts on this chapter: You can see the instructor’s bias in the way the staffing models were presented. And I happen to think there are people who are not “professional librarians” who are very good at research (my bias is also showing). I can be one of them if I’m interested in the subject, but . . . looking up boring stuff for other people, not so much. I'm looking forward to getting our new circ and reference desks -- I do think it will be nice to have a designated "question answerer," and a place to do it (reference, that is) separate from circulation functions. I was surprised that roving reference wasn't addressed at all in this chapter. As far as remote options, I know we get a number of phone reference questions, but can patrons submit reference questions through iBistro? And I guess "Ask Away" would be an IM/chat type reference service. I wonder if there's any way to track whether our patrons use this service.

(Sorry its taking me so long to complete this series. There are still 2 more chapters to go.)